I've just received the latest issue of OnTheWeb (see previous post for details), which as usual is packed with details of useful research which has been published in the last month. This month's edition seems to be overflowing with useful stuff, so I'll spread the juicy bits over two posts. Here's the first instalment:
  • You Feel Like You're Nothing is the name of a joint publication from the NSPCC and Children's Right's Alliance for England which builds on a 2006 UN Study into violence against children. The report describes children's experiences of suffering violence, and what needs to be done to reduce the problem.
  • Also new from the NSPCC is "I Can't Tell People what is Happening at Home"; this investigates the topic of abuse within South Asian communities towards women and children.
  • Achieving Change for Children is a Save The Children report that details the work which the charity has been doing in 31 countries during the period April 2007 - March 2008.
  • Childline publishes an occasional Casenotes series, which provides insights into the problems that young people can face, based on the calls that Childline deals with. The latest edition looks at the theme of family relationship problems.


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