Happy New Year! It's probably traditional to start a year by looking forward, but a tweet I saw reminded me about something that I've been meaning to post on here for a while, which should be useful if you've got an interest in the history of early years education...

Education in England is an excellent website which I've mentioned on here before (see previous post). Among the content on the site is a collection of official full text reports on all aspects of education dating back to the 19th Century. Several of these are specific to the early years sector, so I've put links to the relevant pages of the site below:

The Acland Report: School Attendance of Children Below the Age of Five (1908)
The Haddow Report: Infant and Nursery Schools (1933)
The Plowden Report: Children and their Primary Schools (1967) (see Chapters 9 and 10)
HMI Survey: Education Five to Nine (1982)
The Rumbold Report: Starting with Quality (1990)
The Tickell Report: The Early Years: Foundations for Life, Health and Learning (2011) (there is also much more about this in this previous post)

Happy reading!


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