Two documents that have come out this week and may interest some of you:

There has recently been a lot of talk regarding child well-being and happiness, but how exactly can these ideas be measured? The DCSF has just published Childhood Wellbeing: Qualitative Research Study, a study which looked at existing literature and spoke to families to try and answer this question. One of the DCSF's ongoing commitments is to improve the quality of children's lives, and so this report is intended to help this process.

Secondly, one of the common enquiries which students make is for information on children with English as an Additional Language (EAL). So you may be interested in a new guide which the DCSF has just released, which is aimed at helping educational leaders to include such children in school life. While the New Arrivals Excellence Programme: Management Guide does not contain much in the way of research material, it does contain plenty of practical advice for practitioners.


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